Track advanced link statistics

Track how your links are performing across the web with our advanced statistics dashboard.

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Easily redirect any link
Change the target URL to a shorter version. Shortly makes it easy to assign a new URL to any link, whether you want to improve its appearance or are missing enough characters in your message.
Get more click
People click on the links they trust. With Shortly, you can create and share branded links that look like your brand - inspiring your audience's trust and increasing the number of clicks.
Create secure links
Convenience and safety is the most important to us, so we ensure that your links are safe for users. Each of our links is encrypted using the HTTPS protocol to protect against eavesdropping by third parties.
Brand Recognition
Boost your brand recognition with each click. Generic links don’t mean a thing. Branded links help instil confidence in your content.
Detailed Records
Gain insights into who is clicking your links. Knowing when and where people engage with your content helps inform better decisions.
Fully Customizable
Improve brand awareness and content discoverability through customizable links, supercharging audience engagement.

Boost your links today

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